Friday, May 18, 2012

Marriage Counseling - Beginning From The Basics

We are fully aware that the human body is made up of a complex combination of organs into systems that finally become the complete body. The complicated structure of the human being starts from a simple cell. Remove these cells, and you have no human being. This is a very good way to describe the importance of our marriages and homes in our world.

As a result of the importance of homes, marriage counseling has by implication become very important. It has always been important. However, its importance is much more obvious now. The need for marriage counseling is clear around us. See how many homes are torn apart or almost broken. See how many children are thrown into emotional and psychological crises because of these broken homes.

People can go for marriage counseling for any problem. It could be something insignificant or something threatening like infidelity. One thing that needs to be said very loud is that no case whether mundane or major is beyond resolution. It even becomes much more possible when those in question are committed to seeing a resolution of their issues.

Managing your fellow human being is complex enough as it is. Getting married to them is a seriously higher level of commitment which requires an understanding of what you are getting into. As we have mentioned severally, marriage is not an agreement you can go into thinking "I". Your thinking has to switch from "I" to "US". The issue now goes beyond just you alone and is now you and another as one entity.

The challenges and difficulties that one marriage may face would be different from what another marriage is facing. It should however interest you to find out that though they are different, the root of these challenges can a lot of times be narrowed down to the same things. Outward manifestations like infidelity, are simply an outcome of these more hidden issues.

Examining a couple of these causes, we would identify one as a mindset problem. You would see certain people who just take it for granted that their partner (to be) is actually their better half. This means that they would not get better until the coming of this "better half". Many people have mistaken statements like these as being romantic. However, you must have been striving to be the most you can be prior to getting attached to someone by marriage.

The thought that your partner would complete you removes from you the responsibility of making the most of yourself or tackling what personal issues you may possess. You are actually demanding so much of your yet to be husband or wife. When your husband or wife does not deliver in this regard, you would get disappointed and hold them responsible for things you actually should be blamed for.

The simple issue is this. What are YOU bringing to the union?

Should you be thinking of going for marriage counseling, you should be aware that it would only be effective when your attitude to it is right. There is no doubt that marriage counseling can be of immense help. This would be true in your marriage only if you mentally prepare yourself to let it work.

There is hope for your marriage so don't lose faith. If you simply make a simple commitment to do all you can to restore your marriage, you could be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.

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